Washington's Emergency Management Division tells us "neighborhoods that are prepared for emergencies and disaster situations save lives, reduce the severity of injuries and trauma, and reduce property damage. In addition, contributing as an individual and working together as a team helps develop stronger communities and improve the quality of life in the community
Click here to view a Map Your Neighborhood Program site that guides you through simple steps to help enhance your preparation for an emergency. These steps will help you to quickly and safely take actions that can minimize damage and protect lives. The guide was designed to improve disaster readiness at the neighborhood level and teaches neighbors to rely on each other during the hours or days before fire, medical, police or utility responders arrive." For additional information or to arrange for an MYP trainer to meet with your neighborhood group, contact Anne Chastain at either 360-460-6234, or 360-417-2000, ext. 2483. She can also be contacted via email at achastain@co.clallam.wa.us
Learn the first 9 Steps to Take Immediately Following a Disaster to secure your home and protect your neighborhood. It is hard to think clearly following disaster. These steps will help you to quickly and safely take actions that can minimize damage and protect lives. The MYN Handout, contains the 9-Step Response Plan, Skill & Equipment Inventory, Neighborhood Map & Contact List, a "Help or OK" card is available on the Internet, as are discussion guides, DVDs/CDs, and other supporting materials. Also online, you can find Prepare in a Year (PIY) and getting your home ready programs offering step-by-step instructions, compelling photos, and streaming videos, all of which will assist your family families to carefully prepare and be in a better position to survive disasters.
It's recommended you create a Neighborhood Map identifying the locations of natural gas and propane tanks for quick response if needed, and that you prepare a Neighborhood Contact List identifying those with specific needs such as the elderly, those with a disability, or those in homes where children may be alone during certain hours of the day.
It's recommended you identify the Skills and Equipment Inventory each neighbor has that will be useful in an effective disaster response. Knowing which neighbors have supplies and skills ensures a timely response to a disaster and allows everyone to contribute to the response in a meaningful way. Also be sure to prepare yourself and your family by having shoes, a hard hat, leather gloves, and other equipment and supplies readily available at the foot of your bed and entryway.
It's recommended you work together as a team to evaluate your neighborhood after a disaster and take necessary actions. Remember, in a disaster your most immediate source of help are the neighbors living around you.